Our nation’s food situation has been getting a lot of
attention, and for good reason. The food economy is one of the world’s most monopolized
and secretive systems but one thing is quite clear: industrial food is entirely
dependent upon a disappearing supply of fossil fuel. Another thing that’s been
clear since time began but is easily disregarded in a land of plenty: food
affects every person, everyday.
Initially it would seem that there are arguments coming out
of unrelated corners. On one hand, “food banks across the country have seen a
25% increase in demand” – (Bill Moyers Journal; PBS; Feb. 5th, 2009)…most
of those people being middle class families, so there is a lot of hunger. On
the other, you’ve got an environmental force calling for less agribusiness and
more local, small, organic farming. Though at first they appear disconnected,
as if in a time of hunger people want smaller farms. In fact, smaller farms,
which are less dependent upon fossil fuel and have less of a stake in oil
politics, will create greater food stability. This is what TIME Magazine author
Michael Grunwald said in a 2007 article about U.S. Agriculture Policy:
“It contributes to our obesity and illegal-immigration epidemics and to our water and energy shortages. It helps degrade rivers, deplete aquifers, eliminate grasslands, concentrate food-processing conglomerates and inundate our fast-food nation with high-fructose corn syrup. Our farm policy is supposed to save small farmers and small towns. Instead it fuels the expansion of industrial megafarms and the depopulation of rural America. It hurts Third World farmers, violates international trade deals and paralyzes our efforts to open foreign markets to the nonagricultural goods and services that make up the remaining 99% of our economy.”
So, our government
subsidizes industrial farms. Farms which heavily pollute to produce a product mainly
used in high sugar foods and as animal feed for fatty meats. There isn’t any
more room to argue about whether this system has its consequences. Americans
are suffering from chronic illness abound and at the same time people in the
same neighborhoods are going hungry for nutrients. That’s where we were in
2007, since then Michelle Obama planted the White House Garden under urgings
from popular voices in the food field like author Michael Pollan. Urban
neighborhoods across the nation have started community gardens, Permaculture
instructors are popping up in the corners of the country, sustainable farmers
are slowly becoming rock stars, the food movement has gained momentum. Congress
and industrial agriculture, however, seem to be chasing their tails.
In a recent NY Times
article, Michael Pollan talked about California’s proposition 37, saying “what
is at stake this time around is not only the fate of genetically modified
crops; but the public’s confidence in the industrial food chain.” On November 6th,
2012, proposition 37 was defeated. Californians lost their right to choose what
they put into their bodies, and faith in the system grew dimmer than ever.
Food production is becoming
divided, and perhaps not for the better. Industrial farming, hand in hand with
biotechnology, are fighting to survive in a peak oil and soon post oil economy.
While biotechnology makes a lot of promises, producing more large scale monocrops
isn’t necessarily the best goal. People need more diversity in their diets,
gardens and markets in order to achieve a high quality of eating. Greenpeace,
at their website for a “support sustainable agriculture campaign,” writes:
“Proponents argue that genetic engineering is worth the risk because it helps alleviate the global food crisis. However, globally speaking, lack of food is not the cause of hunger. Political challenges and failures are the cause of world hunger with an estimated one billion victims. In other words, more food doesn't necessarily mean fewer hungry.”
I like to reflect upon British horticulturist Robert Harts famous sentiment that all the world’s problems can be solved in a garden. With a well-planned, diversified garden you can feed people healthy food, process waste, reduce your carbon footprint and live in a low stress environment. There is a bubbling cauldron of innovative techniques, philosophies and ideas, which I hope to talk more about in my blog, for a gardener or farmer looking to become independent of fossil fuels and therefore free themselves from a sinking ship. We will also learn about food issues, policy and what is happening around the world of agriculture.
I'm excited to follow your blog, Mikalyn...