“If you're not angry
you're just stupid
or you don't care
how else can you react
when you know
something's so unfair
the men of the hour
can kill half the world in war
make them slaves to a super power
and let them die poor
I was locked
into being my mother's daughter
I was just eating bread and water
nothing ever changes
and I was shocked
to see the mistakes of each generation
will just fade like a radio station
if you drive out of range”
you're just stupid
or you don't care
how else can you react
when you know
something's so unfair
the men of the hour
can kill half the world in war
make them slaves to a super power
and let them die poor
I was locked
into being my mother's daughter
I was just eating bread and water
nothing ever changes
and I was shocked
to see the mistakes of each generation
will just fade like a radio station
if you drive out of range”
Ani Difranco, Out of Range
Desacrilization - “occurs when a sacred item or symbol is
removed from its special place or is duplicated in mass quantities, becoming
profane as a result”
Unfortunately, the mistakes of todays’
generation are global. So far reaching in fact, that not just half, but most of
the world is enslaved to a superpower. The biologically rich Southern nations
are literally enslaved in every way; their labor is exploited, their land
desecrated, their natural rights are denied. The monetarily rich Northern countries
every-day citizens are enslaved in a more psychological way. Their freedoms and
choices are being systematically taken away, their security is misplaced and
destabilizing, their education is no longer integrated, they know only what
they need to know in order to keep them consuming.
Who is this superpower? The global
monopolies of big business: big-agriculture, big-pharmaceutical, big-chemical,
big-weapons and big-oil. It’s not just that I don’t agree with their systems of
colonization, it’s that their systems are murdering people; enslaving people;
and destroying Nature. Genetic Engineering is, yet again, another attempt to
further oppress Nature’s abundance; to commoditize it, enslave thousands of
people to grow it, package it in plastic, distribute it globally and sell it
under false pretenses of ‘health’ and ‘progress.’
It is a lack of developed ethics which is
the active evil here. This culture of the white man, so intent on mastering
Nature, has colonized the globe, forcing its beliefs upon people everywhere.
When they don’t fall in line, they die. The first step to colonization is
“For those who hold the soil as sacred, relocation is inconceivable. At the public hearing of the World Commission of Environmental Development, an elder of the Krenak tribe spoke of the impossibility of resettlement:When the government took our land in the valley of the Rio Doce, they wanted to give us another place somewhere else. But the state, the government, will never understand that we do not have another place to go. The only possible place for the Krenak people to live and to re-establish our existence, to speak to our Gods, to speak to our nature, to weave our lives is where God created us. It is useless for the government to put us in a very beautiful place, in a very good place with a lot of hunting and a lot of fish. The Krenak people, we continue dying and we die insisting that there is only one place for us to live.” – Ecofeminism, Page 104.
Many native lands were taken without offering any
alternative place to go. The world was united in a belief of sacred lands,
sacred spaces, prior to the influence of territorial space. The spread of lines
and boundaries marks the spread of colonization and capitalism. It marks a
shift in cultural consciousness from a way of thinking that is interconnected
to a way of thinking that is compartmental. Imagine actually being from a place
(maybe that is easy, maybe not); belonging to a land, not owning the land. It
made you. You live here with the animals and plants which came long before you
and are part of the place. It provides sustenance and shelter, warmth and
spirituality for your whole family and your neighbors’ family. You will die
here. The land will live on and your children will belong to it as well.
When corporations and governments promise that economic
growth is going to help “third-world” or colonized nations catch-up so that we
can all enjoy similar living standards, their claims are nonsense. The world’s
richest countries consume two-thirds of its resources. It would take 500 years
at the current rate for colonized people to have living standards comparable to
Americans but Earths resources are going to run out long before then. If we
were to distribute energy equally among all the worlds’ people, Americans would
need to consume one fifth of the electricity per capita that they presently do.
(Ecofeminism – page 60). The only
thing that a capitalist growth-based economy accomplishes is making the small
percent of already rich richer and the poor even more impoverished. Their
motive for colonizing these nations is a rich supply of resources, soil, seed
and labor to exploit for their own profit.
“U.S. Grain exports account for 74% of world agricultural trade…By the end of the 1970’s, just six companies: Cargill, Continental Grain, Luis Dreyfus, Bunge, Andre & Co., and Mitsui; exported 85% of U.S. Wheat, 95% of its corn, 80% of its sorghum. They also handled 90% of EC’s trade in wheat and corn, 90% of Australia’s sorghum exports. Between them, Cargill and Continental Grain control 25 percent of the market.”
(Ecofeminism Page 237)
It isn’t enough to monopolize the world agricultural market.
These companies think it is within their right to manipulate and patent Nature. They steal the colonized nation’s seed. Manipulate
it into no longer reproducing itself and only growing in artificial conditions…claim
that we invented it and call it elite, and sell it back to them at a price. Hybridization
and more recently Genetic Modification are attempts at doing this very thing.
Hybridized seeds will not produce (about 50%) in the second generation so
farmers have to purchase seed every year, keeping them dependent and not
allowing plants to adapt to various regions.
Corporations push for hybridization and genetic modification
because they can patent these seeds as their own ‘intellectual property’. Under
these laws, they’re claiming to have invented a corn seed or a soy seed. This
is a distortion of what they actually did, which is manipulating a renewable
resource into becoming a non-renewable resource. They can actually persecute
farmers whose crops are contaminated by their seed. They have legally forbid
scientists from further testing their technologies under this claim of ‘intellectual
property.’ Without peer consideration, review and trial how do we know that
anything these companies are selling us is safe?
You make me think, Michaelyn. I cringed a little when I read the lines "I was locked into being my mother's daughter..." but then breathed a sigh of relief that it was really Ani DeFranco talking.... but then I thought - well, you could also write that too... :) You help us be aware, Michaelyn...